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From the

May/June, 2001
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Purchase the "House of David Baseball Team" here

For the love of the game

By Jessica A. Canlas

Joel Hawkins 91' CBA takes a pictorial approach in his book, "The House of David Baseball Team". Through photographs, it tells the true story of the House of David Baseball Team that originated from their religious colony in Benton Harbor, Mich. The team played from 1915 to 1955 and completed against Negro League and Major League teams alike.

"The House of David was a very industrious group", he says. "At one time , they had 1,000 people living at their colony. They created an amusement to generate income."

"At the park, they had a baseball field they rented out to other teams. About 1915, they decided to organize a team."

Hawkins also views baseball as a truly American game.

"It's one of the first games that Americans played together. The other thing is, there's no time limit, and I think people like that - no time constraints."

"I think baseball really is important to American culture. If there's nothing else you can talk about in your life, you can always talk about that [baseball]."

"The House of David Baseball Team" is available online at www.peppergame.com.

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